I’m Alaska Fairbanks, a student passionate about sustainable business, equitable policy, and environmental design. By creating this blog site, I’ve explored the endless possibilities of these fields while simultaneously documenting my growth and development as an aspiring environmentalist.

Fighting Environmental Racism: elucidating community-based solutions for the adverse health effects of pollution

When I encountered the intersection between pollution exposure and neurodegenerative disease in the first days of my sophomore year, I felt my heart skip. Two years later, I have designed and conducted a novel study on the relationship between ambient air pollution and stroke incidence throughout counties of New York, including the South Bronx alongside Dr. Erin Kulick of Temple University. This experience inspired me to participate in direct outreach in the South Bronx neighborhood of Mott Haven, volunteering in various community events and discussions while fundraising to provide 100+ portable child inhalers.

To learn more about the Clean Compass nonprofit, visit Clean Compass

Latest Blog Posts

Championing schoolwide sustainability through awareness and peer education

As an active member and leader among my peers at my school’s Byram Hills Sustainability Initiative (BHSI), I regularly spearhead projects that promote environmental awareness and sustainable behavior, such as a Terracycle recycling program and collection drives of pop tabs, e-waste, and batteries, throughout the student body. Additionally, my fellow BHSI members and I create environmental content for elementary children in the district, aiming to educate younger students on how to combat daunting issues including plastic pollution and coral bleaching. To devise the best outreach methods to these prospective environmentalists, I can look to my experience teaching children about core science concepts as a Science Ambassador and giving art classes through EnterTeenment.

To learn more about this latter program, the Peer Environmental Leadership initiative, read my blog post about creating an educational content launch.

Member of:


The Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences


The American Public Health Association

The Sierra Club

The Sierra Club


The Environmental Design Research Association